Darnell James

Full Stack Web Developer. Game Programmer

About Me

Hello! I'm Darnell, a full stack web developer who programs games in his spare time. My goal is to use my programming skills as a means to develop accessible, creative content for all to use. I'm currently diving into The Odin Project curriculum in order to challenge myself and master my web development skills. When I'm not developing web apps, I'm working on bite sized video game projects.


Waldo without Waldo

A Where's Waldo photo tagging app with online leaderboards. Built with React, React Router, and SCSS. Firebase was used for the backend.

Shellendorf Antiques

A mock shopping app created with React, React Router, and CSS Modules. The React Testing Library was used in order to tackle this project from a Test Driven Development approach.

Amiimory Cards

A Memory Card game built in React using react hooks and SCSS. Fetches all information on the cards from the amiibo API.


A Battleship game that can be played against an intelligent AI. Utilizes webpack and built with a test driven development approach using Jest.

A todo list app built with vanilla javascript. It saves todos with localstorage, and it uses firebase as a backend for those who want to log in and save their todos instead.

Weather App

A weather app created in vanilla javascript. It utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API to find the weather, while using the giphy api to find a relevant gif that describes the weather condition.