Messaging App that allows users to create and customize profiles and group chats. Also allows users to send friend requests and direct messages. Socketio was used to allow live chat and member notifications. Built with Postgres, ExpressJS, React, and CSS Modules.
About Me
Hello! I'm Darnell, a full stack web developer who programs games in his spare time. My goal is to use my programming skills as a means to develop accessible, creative content for all to use. When I'm not developing web apps, I'm working on bite sized video game projects or exercising.
A blog built using MERN stack that allows the author to create posts and allows users to leave comments and likes on those posts. Backend was built using Express JS, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Passport JS. Front end was built using React Router v6, React JS, and CSS modules.
A photo tagging game with with online leaderboards. Front end was built using a Test Driven Development approach via Jest, React, React Router, and SCSS. The back end was built using NodeJS, ExpressJS, and SCSS.
A mock shopping app created with React, React Router, and CSS Modules. The React Testing Library was used in order to tackle this project from a Test Driven Development approach.
A Memory Card game built in React using react hooks and SCSS. Fetches all information on the cards from the amiibo API.
A weather app created in vanilla javascript. It utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API to find the weather, while using the giphy api to find a relevant gif that describes the weather condition.